Tag Archives: Self Harm Awareness



So, today is March first, and that means a lot of different things for different people.

Stay strong. <3

Stay strong. ❤

If you’re a fan of the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling, as am I, happy Ron Weasley’s birthday! I believe he’d be turning 34 today. 🙂

If you’re a history buff, lots of important events happened today! I, unfortunatly, am not fascinated in most of these things, because they’re mostly related to war and conquering, but if you’re into such things, that must be exciting. 🙂

If you’re getting tired of this long, hard winter, also like me, the beginning of March is a sign that it will surely end soon. 🙂

All of those things are important, of course, but there’s one thing I especially need to talk about. Something that I don’t want to talk about. Something that I wish would just trickle down the drain until the sink of the world had not even a drop of it left. But, unfortunatly, unless we take action NOW, the water will just keep rising instead of falling.

This is a post about Self Harm Awareness Day.

I know, I know. I just posted something like this. It’s a harsh topic. I’m too young to know about stuff like this. It doesn’t fit in with my blog. But, honestly, guys?

This is real. 

Every forty seconds, a teen dies of suicide. People are burning and cutting every day. The world has turned into a graveyard for the broken, the breaking, and the breakers, no longer the safe and innocent haven it used to be. Society tells us we’re not good enough, so we hand in our mirrors for shards of glass and begin to destroy ourselves, even if we don’t want to be destroyed, because we’re too afraid to realize that their spiteful words don’t define who we are, and even if one person thinks we’re worthless, it doesn’t mean we have to agree.

What can we do about it?

Well, I think one of the most important things to do is to spread the word. Most people don’t realize that their family member/friend/classmate/colleague/other is fighting a war against the darkness until reading their tear-stained suicide note when it’s all too late. So, talk to people. Hang posters. Go online. We need to help people realize that no amount of ignorance will cause self-harm to go away, and that if we don’t take action now, the world could dissapear before our eyes in a swirl of blood and pain. If you reach out and tell the world that you want to help, chances are that you’ll be able to help. Maybe even save a life.

We also need to help the known fighters out there, people who you know for sure are teetering on the edge. Remind them in any way possible how beautiful they are, how beautiful life is, and how nothing would be the same without them. I’ve made a little list of ideas off the top of my head on how we might be able to help them. Please comment with more suggestions for me to add on.

  • Hack onto their computer, smartphone or tablet (I know, not very nice, but listen) and do a little customization. If they have Siri, tell Siri to “call me ‘beautiful'” (then, whenever they talk to Siri, she will adress them as ‘beautiful’). Make daily reminder notifications that say things like “You are worth it” and “Keep on fighting”. Screenshot inspirational quotes, make videos for them to watch, whatever. If you don’t know their passcode, just text/email them reminders, videos, and quotes.
  • Make fun times together. Just go out and let them forget their troubles for awhile, even if it’s just an hour or so.  Remember to remind them of these fun times.
  • Compliment them often. Don’t let them brush it off.
  • Give hope. Give hugs. Give love.

And, most of all, don’t let them go through this alone. Self-harm is really serious, and it’s best to tell an adult you trust about it before it’s too late.

So, I hope this post inspired you to help make a difference. I have to hurry up because it’s nearing March 2nd, and then I can’t post this, so… Bye!

Oh, and guys?

I want you all to know that I will always love you and believe in you, no matter how scarred you are. Please feel free to leave a comment if you should ever need to talk, I will always be here.