Category Archives: Life



Hello, lovelies.

So, I realize it has been months since I’ve spoken to you last, but it has come to my attention that there is an issue I need to speak to you about- feminism. image

I can already hear the groans and sarcastic eye rolls. “Oh god,” you may be thinking “she’s one of those people.” Yes. I am. I am a feminist, or in other words, one who believes all people should be treated equally, no matter what their gender (or race or sexuality or religion, etc, etc) may be.


Now, I have always been a feminist. But my urge to make a post about it was inspired by a boy whom I had the misfortune of calling my friend. He recently sent me a text message telling my I should take part in the “pen under boob” challenge which, according to him, was taking over the Internet. I responded immediately, telling him that I thought he should take part in the “duct tape over mouth” challenge. He seemed unphased and merely repeated the original text. When I asked him why, he said “because you can, I don’t have boobs.”

I am not a toy. My body is not a form of entertainment for other people. I will do what I want to to with my body because it’s mine, and anyone who asks me to do anything out of context like this is being incredibly disrespectful.

Which brings me to the topic of sexual harassment and rape. There are a great deal of opinions on this matter, and here are mine:

  • Rape and/or sexual harassment (such as catcalls, inappropriate touching, etc.) should be illegal, no questions asked.
  • Nobody should be raped or sexually harassed, no matter who they are.
  • If somebody rapes or sexually harasses another human being, they should not in any way blame it on the other person for “provoking” them. We are responsible for our bodies and our actions.
  • “Provocative” clothing is not an excuse for rape or sexual harassment!

I’m tired of hearing how girls are “asking for it” when they wear “inappropriate” clothing. Unless they were wearing a shirt that says “hello, please feel free to force me to have sex with you or to make any sexual comments or actions you please!” I can assure you that they were not asking for it. Clothing is a form of self expression, just like art or music, and telling people that by expressing a certain side of themselves they are “asking for it” is not okay. If men (or women) truly are distracted by the crop tops and short shorts most schools forbid, maybe we should focus our efforts less on shaming the girls who are confident with their bodies and more on teaching others to control themselves and not feel the need to get somebody naked whenever they see a bra strap.


Oh, and another thing. For those of you who may believe it is totally acceptable to whistle or call out to someone you find attractive on the street, it isn’t. You may say, “Oh, but it’s complimenting them!” when really, it makes people feel uncomfortable, scared, insecure, violated, and unsafe. Nobody deserves to feel this way. The world should be a safe, happy place, not one where a woman (or a man) feels unsafe walking down their street when wearing short shorts!image

Oh, and here’s another thing. Why do people think that clothing needs to be gender defined? Literally all that clothing is is fabric and maybe some sequins or something, so why do we need to judge people who wear clothing that “don’t match” what their gender is? Dresses are pretty. I like dresses. But if a boy wears a dress, suddenly the world is judging him, telling him that he’s too “girly,” or even being mistaken as identifying himself as a girl. I believe that with a gender you weren’t born as is fine, but I don’t believe somebody’s gender is defined by their genders. Boys can still be boys if they wear a dress.

Just because someone wears “boy’s” clothes does not mean they identify as a boy.

Just because someone wears “girl’s” clothes does not mean they identify as a girl.

Wear what you want, and slay it. You’ll look fabulous no matter what.


(I realize most of these images are more female based, and I apologize, I’m just posting quotes that I like and am not at all trying to be gender biased)

Anyways, I’m going to call it a night. I have exams tomorrow *groan* But I’d love to hear what you all think on the issue! I’ve just written my opinions, but please feel free to leave yours in the comments below.

Until next time!


Hope for Sunday Dennis


That is a very important URL. If you click it, it will take you to a page about Sunday Dennis, the mother of three young children, who has recently been diagnosed with a severe form of brain cancer. Since her country, Canada, doesn’t have doctors trained to help with that specific sickness, she will have to be flown down the the USA to receive treatment.

This may not seem like a big deal to you, but please listen. In Canada, medical services like that are free. If you go to the hospital, you don’t have to pay to get your appendix removed or your broken arm mended or whatever it is. In the USA, you do have to pay for hospital services. For the treatment Sunday needs to survive, her family has to pay $100,000, money which they really don’t have. And they need it by tomorrow, Monday, January 5th.

Her husband set up a page on where people can donate to help fundraise for Sunday. The page was only set up last night, and they’ve recieved a grand total of $82,401. But they need more. It is 9:00pm in Sunday’s time, and she needs to wake up to see that money.

Even if you don’t know Sunday, I’m begging you to please take the time to donate to help Sunday out. After all, if it were you, you’d want the same.

Me and my siblings' donation.

Me and my siblings’ donation.

Hello, 2015


This year I have learned more about myself than any other year. There have been losses in our New Yearfamily, as well as new additions. I’ve made friends, learned new things, gotten amazing opportunities, and gone on adventures I’ll always remember. On the other hand, not all of 2014 was party-all-night happiness. Lives have been lost, friendships have started to fade. School has gotten so much more difficult, and my heart has been crushed a thousand times by so many authors, I’m surprised I’m still sane (although I might not be.)

But all that’s over now. It’s time to look ahead to 2015, a year of futuristic rainbows and unicorns and flying toasters (hey, anything is possible!) What lies ahead, hidden by that murky cloud of the future? Love, war, anger, joy? A mix of all, perhaps? Or maybe something so incredible, so unique, there are no words invented to describe the feelinga coming our way. Whatever it is, it’s coming in exactly fifty minutes (at least in my time zone.)

I’ve never really been a New Year’s Resolutions type, but here are some wishes I have for 20-5:

-I wish that for every down, there will be at least one up.
-I wish that I will learn new things, try new things, and meet new friends
-On the other hand, I wish that I will not forget the old friends and experiences, as they are so important, too.
-I wish that I will help the world in some way this year, be it by donating my money or my time.
-I wish that my friends will all have an amazing and successful year.
-I wish for world peace (hey, go big or go home, right?)


My Favorite Things- Chloe Style.


Girls sitting with me,

laughing as time passes,

Glee, Pinterest, puppies,

and taking art classes.

Patterned tape, unicorns, butterfly wings,

these are a few of my favorite things!


Soft scoops of ice cream and pizza with cheddar.

Music and PLL, and, wait, it gets better!

Books at midnight, Potter, Jackson, and Lord of the Rings.

These are a few of my favorite things!


Fresh baked treats, floral print, Skittles and schooldays!

Singing and acting and presents on birthdays!

Summers and swimming and fashion, it seems

that these are a few of my favorite things!


When the dog dies,

When the words sting, 

when I’m feeling sad.

I simply remember my favorite things,

and then I don’t feel so bad!

p e r f e c t i o n {reblog from ~lola autumn~}


Hey guys, I’m super sorry I haven’t posted in awhile, I’ve been feeling kind of down lately and don’t want to have to take it all out on you. Anyways, today, I’m reposting an incredible post I found while flicking through Pinterest (surprise, surprise.) There’s this incredible user on there, Keep Calm and Stay Strong, whose goal is to help those who are suffering with suicidal thoughts, depression, eating disorders, anything. She pins a lot of great stuff, she leaves super sweet comments on people’s posts, and she’s just overall a huge inspiration to me. ❤ Just today actually, I realized she had a blog, ~lola autumn~ so I decided to look at it, and even though she only has one post so far, I decided to read it, and I fell in love. I love the writing style, I love the message, I just love it sooo much. So I thought I’d share it with you guys. Please make sure to visit the original post and leave comments there, too, she really deserves it. Okay, Chloe, enough rambling. POST TIME!

p  e  r  f  e  c  t  i  o  n

imagine a world where everything is perfect.
imagine a world where everyone was valued for the beautiful people they are
where nobody would be judged
by their weight
or their height
or the color of their hair
or the way they
l  a  u  g  h.
imagine that world for a moment. imagine it with all your might.
are you imagining it?
now, take a deep breath, and delete it.
delete it.
d  e  l  e  t  e    i  t.
delete that world, because, let’s be honest, it’s not
r  e  a  l.
not yet.
maybe one day, with a little love, it can be.
but not today.
i want you all to know that even though this world isn’t perfect
it can be.
i mean, we already have a full cast of beautiful people
lovely people
perfect people.
but there’s also a lot of distress
a lot of which gets taken out on the innocent
which is just so
s  a  d.
because nobody deserves to feel unwanted.
n  o b  o  d  y.
this is a blog for those who do feel unwanted.
those who do suffer on a daily basis.
from bullies
from depression
from hate
from self-harm
a  n  y  t  h  i  n  g.
because you’re still beautiful
even if you are a little
b  r  o  k  e  n.
this is a blog for those people who just need a smile
just a smile
just a little reminder that they don’t need to change who they are for anybody
because you’re already amazing.
you’re already good enough.
in fact, you’re beyond good enough.
you wanna know what you are?
i’ll tell you.
you are…
p  e  r  f  e c  t  i  o  n.

Remembering Chica


My dog died today.



Her name was Chica, she was eight years old, and she had been struggling with lung cancer for at least a month. We didn’t find this out, though, until yesterday, when my parents decided it would be better to put her down than let her struggle for the rest of her life. Because there isn’t a cure for lung cancer.

She was put down today. The vet came to our house and did it, very quickly, while the whole family held Chica and told her we loved her and that she was a very good girl. And then she stopped breathing and we knew it was all over. She was gone.

So, I just posted this to say I’m sorry if my posting goes a little out of sync. I’m kind of grieving right now, and I really just need some time before things can go back to normal.

Thank you, Chica, for the best third of my life. Rest in peace. ❤



So, today is March first, and that means a lot of different things for different people.

Stay strong. <3

Stay strong. ❤

If you’re a fan of the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling, as am I, happy Ron Weasley’s birthday! I believe he’d be turning 34 today. 🙂

If you’re a history buff, lots of important events happened today! I, unfortunatly, am not fascinated in most of these things, because they’re mostly related to war and conquering, but if you’re into such things, that must be exciting. 🙂

If you’re getting tired of this long, hard winter, also like me, the beginning of March is a sign that it will surely end soon. 🙂

All of those things are important, of course, but there’s one thing I especially need to talk about. Something that I don’t want to talk about. Something that I wish would just trickle down the drain until the sink of the world had not even a drop of it left. But, unfortunatly, unless we take action NOW, the water will just keep rising instead of falling.

This is a post about Self Harm Awareness Day.

I know, I know. I just posted something like this. It’s a harsh topic. I’m too young to know about stuff like this. It doesn’t fit in with my blog. But, honestly, guys?

This is real. 

Every forty seconds, a teen dies of suicide. People are burning and cutting every day. The world has turned into a graveyard for the broken, the breaking, and the breakers, no longer the safe and innocent haven it used to be. Society tells us we’re not good enough, so we hand in our mirrors for shards of glass and begin to destroy ourselves, even if we don’t want to be destroyed, because we’re too afraid to realize that their spiteful words don’t define who we are, and even if one person thinks we’re worthless, it doesn’t mean we have to agree.

What can we do about it?

Well, I think one of the most important things to do is to spread the word. Most people don’t realize that their family member/friend/classmate/colleague/other is fighting a war against the darkness until reading their tear-stained suicide note when it’s all too late. So, talk to people. Hang posters. Go online. We need to help people realize that no amount of ignorance will cause self-harm to go away, and that if we don’t take action now, the world could dissapear before our eyes in a swirl of blood and pain. If you reach out and tell the world that you want to help, chances are that you’ll be able to help. Maybe even save a life.

We also need to help the known fighters out there, people who you know for sure are teetering on the edge. Remind them in any way possible how beautiful they are, how beautiful life is, and how nothing would be the same without them. I’ve made a little list of ideas off the top of my head on how we might be able to help them. Please comment with more suggestions for me to add on.

  • Hack onto their computer, smartphone or tablet (I know, not very nice, but listen) and do a little customization. If they have Siri, tell Siri to “call me ‘beautiful'” (then, whenever they talk to Siri, she will adress them as ‘beautiful’). Make daily reminder notifications that say things like “You are worth it” and “Keep on fighting”. Screenshot inspirational quotes, make videos for them to watch, whatever. If you don’t know their passcode, just text/email them reminders, videos, and quotes.
  • Make fun times together. Just go out and let them forget their troubles for awhile, even if it’s just an hour or so.  Remember to remind them of these fun times.
  • Compliment them often. Don’t let them brush it off.
  • Give hope. Give hugs. Give love.

And, most of all, don’t let them go through this alone. Self-harm is really serious, and it’s best to tell an adult you trust about it before it’s too late.

So, I hope this post inspired you to help make a difference. I have to hurry up because it’s nearing March 2nd, and then I can’t post this, so… Bye!

Oh, and guys?

I want you all to know that I will always love you and believe in you, no matter how scarred you are. Please feel free to leave a comment if you should ever need to talk, I will always be here.

A Beautiful Post I Found on Pinterest


Quoted from gingerprincess7 on Pinterest, who left this comment on a girl considering suicide’s most recent pin, 

“Beautiful” by Christina Aguilera.

“Princess. Please listen to me and every word I’m about to say. There’s nothing more on the world that is more precious than the life that you were given. There’s nothing more than could be taken away so easily too. What I’m saying is you decide. You decide how you look at your life, glass half full , glass half empty. You chose. Nobody needs to out ideas into your head that you don’t agree with. You’re a strong woman. Soon, women will be the voice of the ones hiding on the dark. We will be the voice of millions. We are stronger than most people can beileve, ecapecially men. Because we can handle things. We have so many things on out shoulders that most men would crumble with the thought if the weight. Some of the best people do not think that their strong. You are one of those best people. You chose to go left or right. You chose. This is your life. So live it. The time, that you’ve been so desperately waiting for. How many times do u really get a second chance? I mean really. Rarely right? Exactly. Taking your life is not the answer. Now, don’t get my wrong suicide is not the answer. Never. And neither is it cowardly. You’re drowning but see everyone breathing. Your heart just wants he good things in life when sometimes their just in front of you if you just let yourself stand up. Beileve in yourself. Beileve that this darkness that veils the maturing women, will become the light that empowers her. The little girl that grew up so fast over the cruel words they said, how many open wounds they’ve given you , and how they never seem to heal. How one thing can just trigger a shotgun of emotions inside that pretty little head of yours. It’s tough, beileve me I know. You can hear rumours but you can never know them. What they say, is just them saying what they feel about themselves. They take it out in you. It’s not your fault. They can take their nasty words and shove it. Stand up for yourself. Be calm, I mean they make you stronger, your building more walls that protect you from the worst. Now. Those thoughts inside your head. The girl that scares you so much because you know deep down this isn’t you. How did you get here you think to yourself? Society. People. Self hate. Lies, that have just as much truth in them as the words that never escaped your mouth. The words that you’ve been dying to say but come to realize that no one will listen. Your cries for help. Baby. I’ve heard them loud and clear. Let me in and I can help you get out of there. This is not the end. Do not let yourself go. The only way you can fly if you allow yourself to fall. Let yourself be yourself. Accept yourself . Then those scrutinizing hours you spend picking apart your so called flaws. They make you unique. I think you’re beautiful. Please don’t take your life. Your parents? The ones that will find you? The thoughts of horror and nightmares that corn after the day . The tears of a mourning mother and a father. There is no other feeling like loosing one of your own. Someone that they brought into this world only to find they hated it here. And how they’ll blame themselves. Still thinking your safe in your bed.Suicide and closure, they don’t come together. There’s no sense of closure, no reassurance, there’s always the simple question. Why? Your best friend can bare to go on without you. She’ll cry every night. She’ll not share a smile for years because suicide doesn’t go away. It haunts you. Your siblings. Not a smile. Not one single smile since you left. They cry themselves to sleep, and wish so desperately to see you one last time. To hear your voice. So desperately bad. Don’t do this. Please don’t. This isn’t the answer. Your story is not over yet. Beileve. Stay strong.”

Can I just say how beautiful I find this? It looks like it took her hours to post this. Just to help one teen girl who was leaning on the edge. Well, the girl did commit suicide, but she put up quite a fight, 



Noun. Plural: brav·er·ies
1. The condition or quality of being brave; courage.
2. Splendor or magnificence; show.

When you hear the word “Bravery”, what do you think of?

Some people think of heroes and heroines, battling dragons in adventure and fantasy movies. Some people think of a role model, somebody inspirational who wouldn’t give up until they saw their dreams through. And some people think of standing up for themselves against a bully or a mean teacher. Whatever it is you envision, it’s a wonderful skill to develop, and this blog is going to give you the key to unlock the bravery that lives in your heart.

What does it mean to be brave, anyway? According to the dictionary, the definition of “brave” is “possessing or exhibiting courage or courageous endurance.” Although not everyone views bravery like that. To some it’s just, as John Wayne says, “being scared to death, but saddling up anyway” Me, I think it’s just taking risks, which is a part of life. You either take the chance or you don’t. Either choice has its dangers.

First, you should know that there are many types of bravery, yet at the same time, they are all really one whole thing. There are big gulps of bravery, small gulps of bravery, and so-so gulps of bravery. Bravery is different for each person. Some people find it insanely courageous to walk on a mile-high tightrope over a waterfall without a net, while others think just giving an oral report requires bravery. It all depends on you, your opinions, your choices, your achievements, your dreams, and your skills.

There are also many words for bravery-courage, fearlessness, dauntlessness, daring, heroism, spunk… The synonyms go on and on, as do ways you can use bravery. You can use it to try a new skill, to stand up for yourself, and to just make the path of your life flow out in front of you the way you want it to. In a world full of people who don’t always want you to get your way, one mere word is an essential tool for living a successful life. Not only can it help you gain accomplices on this long and daring journey we can life, but it can allow you share your creations, jump off that high diving board at the local pool, and achieve all the things you’ve ever dreamed of. Well, most of it.

Be brave.

Joined Together.


Today, it snowed for the very first time this fall/winter season. It was only a couple of inches, so we still had to go to school, but it was enough to get the kids all excited at the winter wonderland that our world was becoming.

The day started out as it always does. We played on our class iPads for a bit (Lumosity is one of my favorite apps), then went outside for recess. It was crazy fun. Kids were making snowmen, teachers were warning us not to throw snowballs or else we’d get suspended (which is a bit harsh, in my opinion),  and me and the gang raced around trying to catch snowflakes in our mouths while laughing like hyenas. The schoolyard, which is completely bare of trees and resides of one long patch or grass on most days, is now an endless strip of pure, wet white. It was so beautiful. As I said to my good friend Georgia as we were heading inside to grab our gear from some extra snow play at the end of the school day, “Someone ought to take a picture of it and put it on a winter greeting card!”

But, anyways, like I said before, this snow was getting everyone pumped. The good feeling was spreading like the common cold all across the classroom as we ran out of the door once again for lunch break, and spent twenty more minutes frolicking like five-year-olds in the snow, which was still falling nonstop. I had a practice with my band, Rainbow Explosion, and then, we went inside, and I began to notice something interesting.

There are two rooms that we are allowed to eat lunch in- there’s the board meeting room, which has really cool chairs but not as much atmosphere, and there’s the music room, which is bigger and a bit less comfortable, but more people eat there. Normally, me and a few friends eat together in the board room, but today and yesterday there have been meetings there, so we ate in the music room. Instead of everyone clustering around one big table like we do in the board room and having one big chat, everyone hung out in small little groups and had their own private conversations, all about the same topic. Even though we didn’t realize it, we were joined together, just by that topic, which happened to be a game of truth or dare for each little group, since the largest group, a group of ten grade six and seven boys, was playing. It was really funny to see people walk up to people and say ridiculous things like “Hey, cutie, what’s up?” or to jump over the people who were sitting on the floor (like me, though that was not funny, that was creepy)

I guess what I’m trying to say is how funny it is that the littlest things, such as a game we all know or a rare treat like snow, can join together what once was a pack of strangers into one big family.

Oh, and I got my report card today. Not meaning to brag, but I got top marks in everything and nice comments from every single teacher. 🙂

We might seem different, but really, we’re very similar. We are all people. We are all students. We are all one big family.