Tag Archives: My School

Joined Together.


Today, it snowed for the very first time this fall/winter season. It was only a couple of inches, so we still had to go to school, but it was enough to get the kids all excited at the winter wonderland that our world was becoming.

The day started out as it always does. We played on our class iPads for a bit (Lumosity is one of my favorite apps), then went outside for recess. It was crazy fun. Kids were making snowmen, teachers were warning us not to throw snowballs or else we’d get suspended (which is a bit harsh, in my opinion),  and me and the gang raced around trying to catch snowflakes in our mouths while laughing like hyenas. The schoolyard, which is completely bare of trees and resides of one long patch or grass on most days, is now an endless strip of pure, wet white. It was so beautiful. As I said to my good friend Georgia as we were heading inside to grab our gear from some extra snow play at the end of the school day, “Someone ought to take a picture of it and put it on a winter greeting card!”

But, anyways, like I said before, this snow was getting everyone pumped. The good feeling was spreading like the common cold all across the classroom as we ran out of the door once again for lunch break, and spent twenty more minutes frolicking like five-year-olds in the snow, which was still falling nonstop. I had a practice with my band, Rainbow Explosion, and then, we went inside, and I began to notice something interesting.

There are two rooms that we are allowed to eat lunch in- there’s the board meeting room, which has really cool chairs but not as much atmosphere, and there’s the music room, which is bigger and a bit less comfortable, but more people eat there. Normally, me and a few friends eat together in the board room, but today and yesterday there have been meetings there, so we ate in the music room. Instead of everyone clustering around one big table like we do in the board room and having one big chat, everyone hung out in small little groups and had their own private conversations, all about the same topic. Even though we didn’t realize it, we were joined together, just by that topic, which happened to be a game of truth or dare for each little group, since the largest group, a group of ten grade six and seven boys, was playing. It was really funny to see people walk up to people and say ridiculous things like “Hey, cutie, what’s up?” or to jump over the people who were sitting on the floor (like me, though that was not funny, that was creepy)

I guess what I’m trying to say is how funny it is that the littlest things, such as a game we all know or a rare treat like snow, can join together what once was a pack of strangers into one big family.

Oh, and I got my report card today. Not meaning to brag, but I got top marks in everything and nice comments from every single teacher. 🙂

We might seem different, but really, we’re very similar. We are all people. We are all students. We are all one big family.