Tag Archives: Literature

One Page Per Day


I am ashamed to say that, besides what I do in NaNoWriMo, I hardly ever get any writing done.

I mean, sure, I am known to pump out a short story or a poem once and awhile, but that hardly ever happens anymore. I often find myself sulking and procrastinating while I try to think up something to write, and when I do start to write, I only get a couple sentences down. It’s a shame really, because last year, I started so many writing projects, but I don’t think that I finished eleven twelfths of them.

Not this year. This year, I am going to take part in a year-long challenge of my own creation, entitled “Page-A-Day” Basically, I’m challenging myself to write at least one full page (around 500 or 600 words) per day. It doesn’t have to be part of the same project. You could work on a novel one day, write a poem the next, and start a short story the next! Really, the only rules are that blog posts and such don’t count, it should be a fiction piece (well, it doesn’t  have to be, but that’s what I’m doing. Still, no blog posts) and you are not allowed to delete your work after you hit the one page mark, for all your days to count, you have to save each and every page until the end of the year. You can do the writing in whatever format you like, on the computer, in a notebook, on a typewriter, if you have one (if you do, LUCKY.)

In preparation, I have began writing random outlines for novels, stories, and other works of writing art. One of the ones I’m really excited about is The Unusuals (better title to come later), which was inspired by an image I found on one of my favorite things ever, Pinterest! I hope to have lots of new ideas by January first, which is when my project will officially start!

I think that this will be a great way to get me writing in 2014! If any of you are interested in doing Page-A-Day, please comment below and tell me, perhaps we’ll be able to help each other out!

Thanks so much for reading my blog! You are amazing!