Tag Archives: Conversations

Trends by Friends


You walk into the doors of your school, practically glowing with excitement at showing off your new skinny jeans. You slip your iPod back into your pocket, feel your mustache jewelry jingle about, and wiggle your toes in your Toms. You shake your head to get Call me Maybe out of your head, then go to join your black-and-white clad classmates.

What did you notice about that sentence?

TOMS: Shoes For Tomorrow.

TOMS: Shoes For Tomorrow. (Photo credit: anita.marie)

A. It had two links in it. (WordPress automatically adds that. xP)

B.It is in second-person perspective.

C.It featured lots of trends from nowadays.

If you answered any of the above, you’re right! But the one I’m aiming at is C. After all, that’s what this post is all about- trends.

So, here it is. The Q&A about trends, brought to you by me and some amazing NaNo friends who responded to my shout-out about trends. If you have any more thoughts on this topic, please comment and let me know, I might write multiple posts on this sort of thing.

What is a trend, exactly?

“Something that society thinks that everyone needs to do or wear or whatever. Sometimes, they’re started by famous people, or by a large group of people, and it just…spreads. Like, if you wore jeans in a world where no one wears jeans, then other people might want to wear jeans, too! Of course, trends aren’t just clothes. They’re books, movies, haircuts, anything really. Like, a lot of people got into the magical boy type of book a while back (Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Lord of the Rings…)”

“I think trends are the trendiest darn things in the history of trendiness and glam.”

“The general course or prevailing tendency; style or vogue; the general direction followed by a road, river, coastline, or the like.”

“Trends are something that celebrities/famous people set (or just random people/groups, but is rarer, usually) and which often, a lot of society follows. They’re over quickly, but while they’re happening, people often think that everyone should be wearing/doing it, because it’s ‘awesome’, ‘cool’, and ‘everyone is doing it’. Basically it’s whatever is described as being cool at that moment.”

“Things that a lot of people get into”
“What’s in fashion.”
 “A popular, well-known item that people consider ‘cool’ and ‘hip'”
What should I do if everyone except me likes a trend? What should I do if I absolutely adore one?
“If you dislike the coolest new trend, I would do exactly what you would do if you didn’t like an unpopular perfume- don’t buy/wear/eat/listen to/do it. Even if those new hoodies are so popular that buying just one can turn you into the coolest kid in school, they’re not worth buying if you find them itchy or ugly. Sure, disliking an item that’s trendy is fine, but try not to say that it’s stupid, or that nobody would like it if Katy Perry didn’t wear it in her latest music video. Other people do like them, maybe cause it’s popular, or maybe just because it’s they’re style. Nevertheless, style is a personal choice, so I would say just ‘live and let live’ when it comes to what’s hot and what’s not.”
“Just because something is the latest “trend” doesn’t mean it’s good and stuff. I do suggest that you look at them first before you judge them, because even with popular movies, books and clothes, you can’t judge them by their covers. And don’t get into them just because your friends are; look at them first, then ask yourself if you like this or not. It’s okay to stand out from the crowd in some things. “
“Don’t feel like you should wear [clothes] just because everyone else is, and it’s in style. Wear whatever you’re comfortable in.”
“Well, basically, you should read something if you want to read it, not because everyone else is. Wear what’s comfortable and what you like (and if that happens to be the trend, still go for it), and if it’s not, don’t.”
“Something that a lot of people don’t remember is that you don’t need to be part of a trend. If it makes you happy, then go for it! But if it makes you uncomfortable, then you don’t need to do it. Everyone is entitled to like something and have their own opinion, and it wouldn’t be fun if you were the same as everyone else, would it?”
“Of course! Some trends are actually really good messages, such as Toms. For every pair of these comfortable shoes that you purchase, the company buys a pair of shoes for families who can’t afford them. Some trends are just what’s considered cool. It doesn’t matter. Just go with what your heart tells you!”
Anything else to say on the matter?
“Just remember to always be yourself, and who knows, maybe everyone would love your sense of style, too!”
 “Trends really aren’t that big of a deal, as they all eventually fizzle away. Don’t let anyone try to change your mind when you say “no” to something, because nobody else can know your best interests better than you, because you are the only you. You know your limits. Good luck!”
“Everything becomes a trend for a reason. People wouldn’t do something if they didn’t like it. It’s like having movies recomended to you on Netflix- take the chance to try new things. But DON’T EVER do anything dangerous, such as smoking or taking drugs, especially not because it’s “cool”. The choices you make, especially serious ones, should be made by you, and you only.”
Thanks so much everyone who contributed!

I found this on the Warrior Cats forums and wish to share it with tou

        Everyone has their ups and downs. We’re all moody and can be really rude, mean, and grumpy sometimes. We all get offended and defensive. But that’s just human nature, isn’t it? As everyone has noticed on these forums, and all across the internet, depression and other mental disorders are very widely talked about and discussed. Many members of the Warriors Forum itself have depression, or ocd, adhd, add, or other disorders mental and physical. These are very serious problems, even if the sufferer himself can joke about it. But, I am also going to say that though not everyone may understand or ever suffer from these disorders, sufferers should not ‘hate on’ them or think of others as lower than them (which many people do) just because they do not understand or may misuse the term. All the same, hate should not be directed towards people who have disorders, because no one chooses to. You don’t


        to have depression. You don’ ct


      to have obsessive compulsive disorder.
      I know this may seem naive to make this, as many have made one of these threads before, but I just want to say, no matter who you are, smile. Smile right now unless you physically cannot and will explode or your lips will fall off when you do, because you are worth it. Let me say this again. I cannot cure depression, but you are worth it to be happy and to smile. If you don’t believe me, please, take the time to tell me why not. I won’t be mean, I promise.
        Although I have not officially suffered from depression and I don’t have any mental or physical disorders that I know of, I was, for a year or so, more detached than usual. My best friend had just moved away after living with me for nearly eight months, and we had also recently moved. Everyone was intrigued by her and I was just something that had come back. there was nothing interesting about me. And when she was gone, I felt like the world beneath my feet was caving in. That year is still fuzzy to me, but you know what? I know not everyone can do this, and I may not even have had depression, but in the beginning of last year I just “woke up” and thought,

Why am I doing this? I’m digging my own grave. 

      and just let go of my fake friends and started over. through all of that, though, there was something that really pulled me out of my two-foot grave. My family, yes, but also knowing that in the little time that I had known my new friends, they cared enough for me and I wasn’t alone. I may have felt like it sometimes, but I wasn’t. And I had my best friend who, though thousands of miles away, had always been there for me like I was her.
      Even if I do not know you, or if we would never be friends in real life and will probably never meet, I believe in you. no matter who you are. I love you as a person and you are so great. Beautiful (even you, guys). All I want to know is that you believe me. I know that I cannot help you as much as I’d like to. I feel helpless a lot, too. You know my best friend who I’d mentioned? She has depression and there’s nothing I can do about it as much as I want to. But I will always be there for her, even though it was hard living with her sometimes.
      If you love something, do it. Even if people will think you’re weird because what’s the point in doing something you don’t love? To make everyone around you happy? If you hate swimming, quit the swim team and if you love football, try out for the football team. Sometimes you have to think about yourself and who you want to be. there’s no point in impressing people who you don’t even like. (Unless, of course, it’s a boss. Then you should probably try to impress them haha)
      You belong on earth. No one cares about what you look like, what you do, or who you are as much as you think. Take it from me, the daughter of someone who doesn’t believe me when I say it. Everyone else is too busy worrying about what they seem like to people, too. It’s funny how long it’s taking for everyone to figure that out.
      But, I should probably wrap this up. If you took the time to read this, I applaud you. You’re great and maybe sometime, in a long time, you’ll be talking to me as if you knew me. Maybe. But maybe not, you are the one who makes the choices in your life. What your parents or friends think of you shouldn’t matter, because they’re not going to be the ones living your life. You are, so be beautiful, be yourself, and just know that someone out there loves you even if you will never meet them. There will never be a single moment in this world when every single person on this world wouldn’t care if you’re dead or alive. Someone will always care. Right now, it’s me.
      Have a good night or morning or day,

Another Short Story


For today’s post (yeah, I’m posting early, I know, but I felt like posting…) I’ve added another short story. Forevermore. 

Her eyes held crystals in the ocean of blue they floated in. Beauty, but pain at the same time. As I stared into them for the final time, my fingers clenched around her trembling hand, I realized I had never before felt this way. Right at that moment, it didn’t matter that sirens were blaring in the city around us, or that the little red Prius I had barely escaped from but she was still tucked in was in had been bashed to bits by the bus, which was parked by the curb a few feet away with a swarm of police officers around it. It didn’t matter that her pale, beautiful face was scratched and scarred and dripping red. It didn’t even matter that we were in the middle of the city road, in front of a traffic light, tall and proud, blaring green, although since we were surrounded by DANGER tape, there was nobody to go. What mattered was that there, on 39th street, where the car crash had killed twenty, injured 6, and shaken all forty involved, I loved her. 

  My hand slowly slid from hers, and she fell back onto the white. I gasped, but she did not stir. I attempted to open the car door, but it was jammed. Shattered window was the only way to reach her now. I reached in, and slowly, gently, tearfully, brought my lips closer and closer to hers until they touched.

  Finally, I understood why they say Beauty is Pain. The pain of what I knew was to come dug deep into me, piercing my soul and slicing my heart. It felt like I was bathing in a pool of lava, a scream was there, inside my bones, waiting to be released, but it never came out. I didn’t want the kiss to ever end, I just closed my eyes, and prayed with all my heart. Don’t let her go. I beg. If you must, sin the rest of my life, ruin my job, rob my money, but please. Spare the one I love.

  Opening my eyes, I looked into hers. Still the same ocean blue. Still the same thick dark lashes. But something was different. Although tears still stained her face, she could no longer cry. The crystal shimmer in her eyes no longer lived. Just dull emptiness. Her breath was no longer warm on my chest, I knew I had lost her.

  Tears flew out of my eyes onto my cheeks, which held traces of her blood. A police officer was firmly grabbing my hand, but my ears still echoed of her last words. “Bailey, go. Don’t stay with me. Don’t linger on me. I don’t want you to blame yourself. This sort of thing happens sometimes. There will be other girls. Let me go.” I had protested, but she had shaken her head, attempting to pull her little hand away from mine. I cried out in alarm, squeezing it tighter. “Bailey,” she had whispered, voice so faint, it may not have even been there, “Long love does not equal strong love. Soon you will see I meant nothing to you.” It was then that the winged figure of death was inhaled by her. A toxin so.She died believing I didn’t love her. One less seventeen-year-old girl walked the planet as of May 30th. And suddenly, the world felt awfully heavy.

  I slowly slipped my hand away from her silky skin, feeling her beauty for one last time. Straightening up, I followed the officer slowly through the crowd of people huddling around the two broken veichles. Tall, short, fat, and thin, white, black, they all appeared worried. But I knew they weren’t really that sad. None of them had tragically lost the first girl they ever had loved. Their first kisses probably didn’t happen with a dead body. Their lives weren’t as troubled, as sorrowful, as treacherous. In fact, when they got home, they’d probably forget all about this little incident. They wouldn’t ever know what I will have to go through.I’ll never be truly, truly over her.Yes, I know, I’ll like my fair share of ladies in the future. I may even love a couple of them. But I shall never, ever, ever feel like I did to her on the night that changed my life forevermore.

Well? You like? I consider it much better than yesterday’s story. Hey… Maybe I should write at least one short story every month, and I could always post one on the very first day! What do you guys think? Comment and let me know!

NaNoers Speak Out on Hate


(From a thread by kiwiyoungwriter!)

“Hate: It’s a strong word. And strong words shouldn’t be used like any other words. In real life people say ‘hate’ like it’s any other normal word. On the internet, people do it too. Does anyone else agree that hate-it’s just too strong a word? I mean dislike sure. But hate- no one should really be going around hating stuff all the time. Especially not people.”-kiwiyoungwriter

“I agree. I never say that I “hate” a person. Escpecially not people I know. I may dislike the choices they make or the work they produce, but I believe everyone is a good person, and no matter how much I might dislike their actions, I don’t hate them. I would never want anyone to say they ‘hated’ me because they didn’t like my music or writing. I suppose people just use ‘hate’ as a shorter word to say ‘strongly dislike’. It’s kind of sad that it gets used so much, though”-me, animalgirlsmagazine

“There are things I freely say I hate. But I try to consider what I’m saying before I make it visible, no matter what it is.”-Bean