Tag Archives: advice

Just a Little Reminder…


No matter who you are and what you do, promise me you’ll ALWAYS remember this:

-You are beautiful.

-You are incredible.

-Nobody else has the exact same talents as you.

-Nobody else has the right to tell you how to live.

-You can do anything you set your mind to.

-Everyone in the world has a purpose.

-You are capable of many things.

-Everyone deserves to live a life worth living.

-Size does not equal amount of skill.

-Everyone and everything holds an equal amount of importance, boy or girl, tall or short, human or animal.

-Humans are animals.

-One little word is enough to change the world forever.

-Love makes the world go around

-It’s never too late to do what you think is right

-Change may be tough, but we are strong, and we can face it.

-It’s alright to let your feelings and emotions show.

-Bravery does not mean not being scared.

-Nobody is perfect.

-”Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me” is a lie.

-Do not be ashamed if you are hurt. Emotions are natural and healthy.

-Things will turn out okay. Always.

-You are well-loved.

 You shine like a flower in the early spring sun.

-You shine like a flower in the early spring sun.

A Word Of Advice…


If you’re not extremely ahead, don’t lack off on your novel for a week or so.

I learned this the hard way, writing about 24 words per day for 5 days straight. I was six thousand words behind. Lucky for me, I was in the Zone all day yesterday and so it was easy to catch up. Still, I could have had a fate much worse. O_o

So, I have nothing else to say but to heed this warning…

How to get into The Zone


>Sometimes you just can’t write if you’re not in the mood, you know?  That’s why I just made up STOP to help you when you need to get into The Zone! Or maybe I just made it cause I’m procrastinating. 

  • SETTING:Grab a good setting to write in.  A comfortable (and private) spot like a bed, chair, or couch normally works best for me, but some people like being outdoors when they write or with others. Experiment with options to see what works for you. Some people like to turn on music or something while they write, but normally I work best in silence, otherwise I end up writing to the beat. Which is bad, cause I only have a few fast songs on my iPod.
  • TIME:Weird but  true-most people  have a certain area of time that they write their best work in. For example, I am most likely to get in The Zone at night, which is when I get most of my ideas, since I’m alone and there’s nobody to disturb me. Normally I have to write for a while before I officially enter The Zone,  so if you know you have to go at 2pm and your writing zone is anytime after 1:30pm, start writing at least 1:00pm so you have time to get into rhythm.
  • OBJECT:Know what you’re writing! Have a plan on what you want to write, don’t make it up on the spot. Sudden plot twists or ideas are OK, but try to have  a faint picture of what’s going to happen.
  • PROCRASTINATION-FREE:Don’t procrastinate! Most people consider having multiple tabs open when you only need one to do your job “procrastinating”, so shut down those super-cool forums or that weird video and log off of any video games or websites you’re on. If you’re chatting with a friend who’s helping you write and not distracting you or researching something, that’s okay, but try to procrastinate before or after you write, not in-between (I’m setting a bad example right now)

So STOP whatever you’re doing and start STOPping! xD That sounded strange.

Inspiring Stuff


The thing about being an author is everyone always asks you “what inspired you to write this?” And I never know what to say, cause I can never remember. For example, TSO. I have no idea how I got the idea, I just did. Same with Whisk me Away. I just got the idea. Like, SHABAM! KAPOW! ZOOMWHIZ!

Normally it happens while I’m thinking my usual train of thoughts. Like how I got the idea for Whisk Me Away-first I’ll be thinking about flowers and then I think of this flowery perfume and then I think of the Taylor Swift perfume I saw today and then I think of Taylor Swift and then I think of music IN GENERAL and then I think of my friend’s new iPod and then I think of a song my friend wrote (Orreana) and then I think what if I wrote a book about the land Orreana? And then the idea expands and grows and SHABAM. But I can’t say that song inspired me, because the whole thought train did. Which started with flowers. So I suppose my inspiration for Whisk me Away was… flowers.

Anyways, I’ve decided to make a list of surefire ways to inspire me. Ya know, in case you wonder how I get my (very brilliant) ideas:

  • MUSIC! Any music and every music. Taylor Swift mostly, but sometimes Carly Rae Jepsen.
  • BOOKS AND MOVIES! Most of my ideas have a little kernel of similarity between it and a book or movie I watched or read recently. HINT: Have you noticed how Ours is similar to The Parent Trap?
  • FRIENDS! In WMA, all my charries are going to be based on somebody I know. Which might be good, but it might be bad… I’m not telling you who you are, so don’t bother asking.
  • INTERESTING THOUGHTS! Sometimes I just have to tune in to what my brain thinks I should do. It can lead to some great ideas!

Book Boredom -.-


Suffering from Book Boredom? Visit Dr. B, Expert on curing bookboredomitis.

Person in crowd(PIC)#1:I’m bored of my book! It’s at a really dull part right now.

Dr. B:Introduce a new, comedic character to make everyone reading your book laugh so loud, they don’t notice the dull patch.

PIC #2:I’m bored of my book! I have an awesome new book idea that would work so much better.

Dr. B:Write it down so you’ll remember it for later, OR try to add some of your new idea to your current project.

PIC #3:I’m bored of my book! This character is really lame but I don’t want to get rid of her.

Dr. B: Try making her go missing or die. Then, a whole mystery in whodunit will occour to liven things up! Or, you can just make her get obsessed with something or get a sense of humor or change personalities overnight.

PIC #4:I’m bored of my book! I’m not in a writing mood.

Dr. B:Take a day or two off. If you feel like writing, run to your work and start before it goes away.  Feel better!

Need to ask Dr. B? Comment below. Comments are pretty.